November 2022 - Life Update
You wouldn’t believe everything that’s happened since my last post! I realized my last update was just over 3 years ago (October 2019).
Where did we last leave off? I was living in San Diego, CA and waiting for a specialized MRI (*spoiler* my insurance did not approve it and I never got it). Medically, things have stalled ever since. No answers, no changes in my medical journey.
As the pandemic was beginning to be front page news… I was laid off from my job as a night auditor at a hotel in San Diego at the end of March 2020 (the hotel industry really took a hit from the pandemic).
In October 2020, I moved to Georgetown, TX (cost of living was cheaper and I was hoping for decent weather - at least better than Wisconsin winters). Shortly after arriving, a housemate caught Covid (this was December of 2020 - the vaccine wasn’t available to the general public yet). Then another housemate caught it… and eventually, I caught it too.
Over the course of my 30+ day quarantine, I spent a LOT of time on TikTok. Just scrolling through or going live to have some sort of social interaction without getting anyone sick (if you want to find me on TikTok I’m @MrsMiaQuinn). A beautiful woman popped up on my FYP so I liked and commented on the video. She didn’t notice because her video went pretty viral. A couple more weeks went by and she popped up again (my FYP was really saying FOR YOU!) - so I commented and followed her. Within minutes she followed me back and I sent her a message saying something like “Hey! Thanks for the follow 😊” and she instantly hit on me with something like “How could I not when you’re so cute??”. We exchanged phone numbers, texted daily and after several Facetime dates (1 of them accidentally lasted 24 hours because we both fell asleep)… we decided to meet. I flew out to see her (typical lesbian style… I was in Texas and she was in Utah) for roughly 10 days. She was my person. I knew it from our first Facetime date and meeting in person confirmed the chemistry. Long story short, after our trial run of living together - we decided I would move to Utah. I flew back to Texas, packed up my things, and drove 23 hours (with the BIG Texas ice storm chasing me) to make it back in time for Valentine’s Day.
She proposed to me at the end of May 2021.
We eloped in July 2021.
We moved to Chicago in October 2021.
We moved back to Wisconsin in September 2022.
There’s been a LOT of amazing changes and updates in our life together and I’ll post another update on how we’ve set ourselves up for success when it comes to one of you having chronic physical illness (and on how we’re planning for the future). I’m not gonna lie… I just wanted to share our amazing engagement and wedding photos. I’m so incredibly lucky to have her by my side and this crazy ride we call life.
Oh and since we’re living close to my family, we got to celebrate Turkey Day with them 😊 It’s been a lonnnngggg time since all 5 of us have gotten together. It’s great having family so close!